New Open Box
This item will be in pristine condition, no signs or use or ware will be found on these items, they can come with original packaging and accessories or packed in a New Brown Box with Charger Cable. New Open Box stock is often under manufacture warranty. Fully Functional.
Grade A
This item will be in almost pristine condition, only the most minimal and lightest scratches, marks or imperfections pass this grade and will be little to no sign of use. This item is designed for the home user and will therefore have a much stricter grading structure and is not to be confused with our Corporate grading standards. Fully Functional.
Grade B
This item will be in a lightly used condition, it can include minimal small deep scratches or several hairline scratches, marks, minimal dent or light keyboard / touchpad ware. This item is designed for the home user and will therefore have a much stricter grading structure and is not to be confused with our Corporate grading standards. Fully Functional.
Grade C
This item will have moderate to heavy usage and will include either deep scratches, heavy marks, heavy dents, worn keyboard / touchpad or hair line crack. This item is designed for the home ser and will therefore have a much stricter grading structure and is not to be confused with our Corporate grading standards. Fully Functional.
Grade D (iPhones)
This item can be either Grade A, B or C cosmetically. These units will have a fault that needs repairing to become fully functional.
- Changes daily from suppliers.
- Contact us for Price List
Testing procedures include internal and external product cleaning, component level hardware testing, 35 point functionality testing, upgrades / downgrades and lastly packing and dispatching.

Each of our machines are cosmetically suitable for reuse and resale, we pay careful attention to rectify or replace any defects or faulty parts during the QC Processing.
Cleaning - Every system is thoroughly cleaned inside and outside and QC inspected on arrival.
Testing - All machines are then run through a 30 point system check to test all components and system functionality is working.
Pick to Order - With an order confirmation, our warehouse team will begin to process the order ready for a same day dispatch.
Dispatched - From a single Laptop to a large pallet consignment of PC’s, each and every shipment is prepared for transit with total care and attention.
- All items come with a 6 month up to 3 years warranty, all specified on ordering.
- All warranty is a back to base warranty only.
Range of Products
- Gaming Computers
- Business Workstations
- Apple iMac
- Mac Book
- Laptop
- Business Class Laptop
- Gaming Laptop
- Hybrid Laptop - Laptop / Tablet
- Android Tablet
- Apple ipad
- Android Phones
- Apple iphone
- Wearables & lifestyle
Whatever the issue is, no problem!
We can help if you
Contact us on 01446 747702